Happy Thanksgiving!!!

From our home . . . to yours.
Around the table:
Amanda, Joanna, Elizabeth, Rachel, Naomi, Ashlyn, Rebecca
Mom, Dad
Christopher, Timothy, Samuel, Daniel, Jessica
For another year, our family was blessed to spend another Thanksgiving together. We have begun to cherish this time every year as the children get older and become busier.
As is our tradition, each of the children prepared a dish.
Jessica made pecan pies
Christopher made pineapple-cheese casserole
Rebecca prepared the turkey

Daniel made sweet potato casserole
Amanda made peanut butter and chocolate fudge

Elizabeth made pumpkin pie

Samuel made green bean casserole

Timothy made broccoli and cheese casserole

Rachel made pea salad

Joanna made cornbread dressing

Naomi made Watergate salad

Ashlyn cut the cranberry sauce

Our feast!!!
Several of us Teros were fighting colds on Thanksgiving day, but the Lord blessed us with a nice, relaxed day at home and we had a wonderfully sweet time as we reflected God’s blessings on our family throughout this year. God is so good!!!!!
Pictures Throughout our Day
Naomi and Daniel working on sweet potato casserole

Ashlyn helping with rolls
Learning “just how” to grease the pan

Excited to actually help shapeย the rolls!

Samuel, Timothy, Rebecca – waiting for dinner!

How many Teros does it take . . . to cut cranberry sauce?

Christopher, Timothy, Samuel, Daniel
Joanna, Elizabeth, Rachel, Naomi, Ashlyn

Timothy, Daniel, Samuel


Rebecca and her dog, Tessa

Christopher and Joanna

Mom’s favorite dish! ๐Ÿ˜‰

“Okay, so I didย make the green bean casserole – but do I HAVE to eat it???”

A cute brother-sister shot but it took . . .
“Awww . . . please no!”

“She’s touching me!!!”

Joanna, Jessica
Daniel, Naomi

Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands. Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing. Know ye that the LORD heย isย God:ย it isย heย thatย hath made us, and not we ourselves;ย we areย his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Enter into his gates with thanksgiving,ย andย into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him,ย andย bless his name. For the LORDย isย good; his mercyย isย everlasting; and his truthย endurethย to all generations.
Psalm 100

4 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving!!!

  1. Thanks so much for all the pictures, they were great!!! We have a bunch too, which I would like to get posted on our blog this week, Lord willing. Not very many that were quite so nicely posed, just more candid stuff. I think there were 5 camera's in action at our Thanksgiving get together. 2 Nikons, 2 Canons, and little point-n-shoot which I'm unsure about. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Great post!


  2. Beautiful family! You all look really happy!
    May I ask why type of camera you use? The quality is very nice! ๐Ÿ™‚

    God Bless!


  3. Thank you, Janell, Julia, and Rebecca!

    Rebecca, we used both the Canon T3i and Canon 50D. The shots with us and the completed dishes were shot with the Canon 50D with a flash setup. All of the other pictures (“around the house”) were taken with the T3i.


    “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed upon Thee, because he trusteth in Thee.” Isaiah 26:3


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