January 2014 in review

January was a very quiet month with singing, though we had many days of getting together with friends and spending sweet time fellowshipping.
Happy New Year!
We are grateful for God’s blessings and protection on us as we lived through a full, busy, and eventful 2013. We are looking forward to what the Lord has in store for us for 2014.

Elizabeth and Ashlyn with a sparkler

New Year’s Day was spent with Karen’s uncle and aunt, where we enjoyed a nice little feast, fun and games.
Ashlyn captured another “reader”
Joanna, Naomi, Jessica, and Rachel
With Friends and Family
We filled many days of January relaxing and visiting with family and friends.
With friends and cousins (Picture courtesy of Mrs. Liberty)



Ashlyn and Christopher

Walking the road with cousins

Naomi and Ashlyn

White Stuff in Louisiana!
We were thrilled to enjoy some “winter weather” in Louisiana! First, we had a light snowfall which sufficed a pleasant walk in the woods, a few small snowmen, and a small snowball fight.

Naomi, Rachel, Elizabeth, Joanna

Ashlyn and Naomi with their little snowman

Then, everything in Louisiana shut down for over a day of severe ice; in some places, we had 4-6 inches! The children enjoyed slippin’ and slidin’ down the road and pulling each other on “sleds.”




Our ice trek down the road


Naomi on our “Southern sled” — a garbage can lid

Our relaxing January has opened to a BUSY February with a lot of singing/ministry events. We covet your prayers as the Lord opens up opportunities for us to sing and minister the remainder of this month and in March.

“But He knoweth the way that I take; when He hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.” Job 23:10

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