April 2014 in Review

April was a busy month; however, we did not bring the camera every place, thus have a lack of pictures. The Lord gave us opportunity to sing at a variety of places: Creekside Baptist, Pleasant Ridge Missionary Baptist, Council on Aging, and Grace Nursing Home.
CHEF Conference
One of our family’s yearly highlights is to help with the Louisiana CHEF (Christian Home Educators’ Fellowship) conference. This year, Christopher, Amanda, Elizabeth, Samuel, Timothy, and Rachel were teachers and Rebecca and Daniel helped on staff. There were 127 home-school children split among five classrooms with eighteen teachers. They taught the children principles from God’s Word including Making Christ the Center of my Universe, Super Sonic Obedience, Looking Out for the Other Guy, Team-work, and shared the salvation message.
Samuel helping with crafts

Timothy discussing planets

The crew of home-school team-leaders at lunch

Amanda teaching a class

Lining up

Most of the kids in large group

Samuel, Amanda, and friend Janell leading songs

Parent presentation
Half-Way in Mississippi
In the past year, the Lord has been preparing our family to transition to mid-Mississippi. We are excited that He has provided us a place with three acres and a trailer in Newton County, Mississippi. We have been spending time up there, working on the property (around 844 pine trees!), preparing things for when God sells our house in Louisiana and allows us to move up there.
Rachel, Ashlyn, Joanna, and Naomi working in the trees

Naomi and Ashlyn

Daniel, Samuel, and David, finishing out a shed for non-climate controlled storage


Naomi, after a long day’s work

Ashlyn enjoying a free ride from Daniel

Christopher, Daniel, and Samuel

Timothy and Rachel




Of course tagging along behind big brother’s work is fun!!

“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed upon Thee, because he trusteth in Thee.” Isaiah 26:3

One thought on “April 2014 in Review

  1. So good to see the update!
    It was fun being at CHEF with y'all too!!!
    Glad the work on y'all's property is going well.
    Have a great week.
    God bless y'all.

    But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.
    I John 1:7


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