June 2014 in Review

June was a full and tough month for us as we participated in several ministry opportunities, two camps, and also packed up our Louisiana home to move into a 16×80′ mobile home in mid-Mississippi.
One of the most difficult days was our last singing at Council on Aging and nursing home, where we have been singing for fourteen and nine years, respectively. We have had many dear friends in these places and will miss seeing them every month.
David, sharing at Council on Aging

The elderly at Council on Aging
Elizabeth saying goodbye to Ms. Clara

Saying goodbyes

Sharing at the nursing home


Karen with our long-time friend, Ms. Jean

Rebecca and her deaf friend

We enjoyed a fish fry and Bible study with some friends in Summit, Mississippi.

Fish fry!

Timothy and Joel

Bro. Jason sharing the devotional

Samuel and Judah
There were many goodbyes said this month to friends, music students, and family. We are looking forward to the times when we will be able to visit back “home.”
With friends

And more friends

“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5

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