Mt. Pisgah – Senior Camp

We had a few days’ break after Junior Camp then Senior (Youth) Camp started up, June 23-27.
Bro. David giving the rules and regulations of camp so that everyone could have fun
We were blessed to have solid Bible preaching/teaching throughout the week of Youth Camp. In the morning teaching sessions, different men taught on the different aspects of a worship service: prayer, music, praise, and preaching. 

Bro. Ben, teaching on prayer

Bro. David taught on preaching.

Daniel taught on music.
The preacher for the week was Bro. Scotty, who used God’s Word to give vital warnings concerning our modern worldview and culture to the youth.
Bro. Scotty, preaching about relationships
Bro. Scotty
Throughout the week, we had morning and evening devotions. Different men taught the boys or group devotions and a few women taught the girls’ devotions.
Bro. Kelly giving a morning devotion
Mrs. Audrey giving the girls’ evening devotional
Bro. David urged the youth to meet the standard of singing that the Juniors had presented the week before. We’re not sure they were able to meet the volume or enthusiasm, but they tried. 🙂
Throughout the week, various youth played for congregational singing.

Also, with the fun songs of Junior Camp preceding us, it was requested to teach the other youth these songs.
Some of the co-counselors from Junior Camp teaching the rest of the campers songs

The Boomerang Song (“Your sin will be finding you out – AHA!”)
There were many specials throughout the week given by the campers and others who attended the camp.
A boys’ special
B.J. sharing a song
Singin’ Round the Piano

Bro. Jason, Bro. Thomas, and Bro. Ben
The Lairds
The final special by all of the young men

The final special by all of the young ladies

Sword Drills

One of the fun and friendly competitions of the year is always the Sword Drills. Each room competes and is narrowed down to the final boy and girl competitors.

Sword Drill Finalists – Sarah won!

A new twist on Sword Drills: bid how little time it will take you to find a book and race against the timer
Bible Quizzes
Bro. David did an excellent job putting together Bible quizzes for the year. He almost stumped the youth, but they managed to answer most of the questions.

Again, Bro. Matt organized the activities and everyone had a blast.

They’re not campers yet, but they still had loads of fun.

An amazing water-balloon-filling invention

Again, there were some serious checkers and chess tournaments.

Brother-to-brother combat

Bro. Scotty and Bro. David in Noodle Knights War

A car race! Somehow, the BMW always won . . .

Who can blow the ping-pong ball to the other’s side first?

Timothy vs. Timothy — and yes, Timothy won. 😉

“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17

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